neděle 5. dubna 2015

How to cleanse the body to avoid gout

and improve vascular system.
The excess uric acid in blood is responsible for many health problems, settles in the joints, where it causes pain and reduces their flexibility, typical disease is gout. However, it may settle in other parts of the body and be responsible for the creation of various types of stones and the surplus does not benefit either our veins.
If your doctor detected higher level of uric acid in the blood, or just have a feeling stiff joints, it is appropriate to adjust the diet. Reduce eating of animal protein, exclude from your diet sausages and offal, containing high amounts of purins. Drink herbal teas regularly supports leaching of pollutants. Eating appropriate fruits and vegetables effect significantly support the diet and enhance the status of your joints.
For example:

Grapefruit is rich in limonene, which gives the fruit a bitter taste and a strong anti-carcinogenic effects. It helps to protect the veins prior to deposition of cholesterol and its subsequent calcination, which leads to the development of arteriosclerosis. Grapefruits have a diuretic effect and help in excess of uric acid in any form: gout, gouty arthritis, kidney stones, etc. If you want purge your body and thus stimulate the detoxification ability of the body (especially liver), you should consume grapefruit regularly.

Pomegranate´s astringent action reduces stomach acid and soothe an upset stomach, and inflammation. Flavonoids and antioxidant vitamins (C and E), richly contained in pomegranate, stop the aging process arteries, and is therefore recommended for the reduced blood circulation. Pomegranates are effective in gout, increased uric acid and obesity. It eliminates the waste of metabolism and reduces acidity in the digestive tract.

Strawberries neutralize the effects of free radicals and are effective in the prevention of atherosclerosis (cholesterol deposits in the artery walls, progressive hardening and narrowing). Condition arteries and improve low-fat and sodium, and potassium and mineral wealth, thus a combination which reduces the risk of developing hypertension. Strawberries has a diuretic effect, due to its alkalinization function promote excretion of uric acid. Therefore, it is recommended for gout and gouty arthritis. Simultaneously improves blood flow in the arteries.

We'll bring you the Recipe for a simple smoothie, which impresses with its balanced taste delicious strawberry with a bitter tone grapefruit.
You need:
one pomegranate
7 pieces strawberries riped
one whole grapefruit rid of a thick outer crust, diced including membranes and seeds.
Blend all ingredients and serve chilled and flavored with a sprig of fresh mint.

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